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Das Pferd in der Schweiz - Von der Prähistorie bis zum ausgehenden Mittelalter
The Horse in Switzerland - from Prehistoric to Modern Times
Zeichnung Otto Garraux, Basel
Ziel dieser 3-teiligen Arbeit ist es, die Geschichte des Pferdes, Gattung Equus, im Gebiete der heutigen Schweiz - von der Prähistorie bis ins ausgehende Mittelalter - aufzuzeigen.
Die bis ins Alttertiär zurückzuverfolgende Phylogenese von Equus wird dabei in erster Linie mit Hilfe von fossilem Knochenmaterial aus schweizerischen und französischen Fundstellen belegt.
Equus ferus spielt in unserem Lande vom ausgehenden Mittel-Paläolithikum bis zu seiner Ausrottung in historischer Zeit als Jagd- und Kulturtier eine gewisse Rolle.
Das Hauptaugenmerk dieser Studie gilt aber dem Pferd als Haustier und seiner seit dem späten Neolithikum vorrangigen Stellung in Kultur, Wirtschaft und Kriegswesen.
Zur Beantwortung des damit verbundenen Fragenkomplexes wurden einerseits archäologische Quellen wie Museumssammlungen, Knochenmaterialien und Grabungsberichte herangezogen. Andererseits lieferten antikes Schrifttum, Edikte, Gesetzessammlungen, Urkunden, Zins-, Zehnten- und Steuerverzeichnisse, illustrierte Chroniken, Kaufverträge und Norariatsimbreviaturen die historischen Grundlagen.
Cette étude, divisée en trois parties, a pour but d'exposer l'histoire du cheval, genre Equus, dans l'espace géographique correspondant à la Suisse contemporaine, depuis les temps préhistoriques jusqu'à la fin de Moyen Age.
La phylogenèse du cheval, dont on peut retrouver les traces jusqu'au paléogène, s'appuie surtout sur l'observation des ossements fossiles provenant des fouilles en Suisse et en France.
Dès la fin de l'époque mi-paléolithique jusqu'à son extermination à l'epoque historique, Equus ferus jouait un certain rôle dans notre pays comme animal de chasse et de culte.
Cependant le but principal de cette étude est d'examiner le cheval comme animal domestique, de même que sa place éminente dans la vie culturelle et économique, et aussi dans l'art militaire, dès la fin de l'époque néolithique.
Pour résoudre l'ensemble des problèmes posés par cette étude, on a puisé d'une part dans des sources archéologiques, telles que collections de musées, ossements fossiles et comptes-rendus de fouilles, d'autre part l'auteur a utilisé comme sources historiques la littérature antique, édits, recueils de lois, documents, listes d'impôts, tailles et dîmes, chroniques illustrées, traités de commerce et actes notariaux.
Igl intent da quei studi en treis parts ei quel d'eruir l'historia dil cavagl (gener Equus) sigl intschess dalla Svizra hodierna naven dalla prehistorica entochen viers la fin dil temps mediaval.
La filogenesa digl Equus va anavos entochen ell'epoca dil terzier vegl e vegn documentada surtut cun agid da materials fossils ord excavaziuns en Svizra ed en Frontscha.
Il Equus ferus ha sco cavagl da catscha e da cult giugau ina certa rolla en nossa tiara naven dils temps medio-paleolitics entochen vieden els temps historics, nua ch'el ei vegnius extirpaus.
El center da quei studi stat denton il cavagl sco animal da casa e sia gronda impurtonza en la cultura, ell'economia e pil diever d'uiara els temps neolitics e pli tard.
Per sclarir tut ils complex da damondas ein ins d'ina vart sesurvius da fontaunas archeologicas sco collecziuns da museum, materials dad ossa e rapports davart excavaziuns. Da l'autra vart han scartiras anticas, edicts, collecziuns da leschas, registers da tscheins, dieschmas e taglias, cronicas illustradas, contracts da cumpra ed actas notarialas furniu las enconuscheintschas giavischadas.
Scopo di questo studio tripartito è l'esposizione della storia del cavallo (genus Equus) nel territorio della Svizzera odierna dai tempi preistorici fin verso la fine del medio evo.
La filogenesi dell'Equus che si può tracciare a partire dall'età paleogene sarà documentata sopratutto con l'aiuto di materiali fossili provenienti da scavi svizzeri e francesi.
l'Equus ferus ha avuto nel nostro paese una certa importanza quale animale da caccia e per il culto a partire dalla fine dell'epoca medio-paleolitica fino alla sua estinzione in età storica.
Ma l'interesse principale di questo studio è rivolto al cavallo quale animale domestico e al suo ruolo preminente nella cultura, nell'economia e nell'arte militare a partire dal tardo neolitico.
Per risolvere tutte le questioni inerenti al presente studio sono state esaminate fonti archeologichi provenienti da collezioni di musei, nonchè materiali fossili e resoconti di scavi. Inoltre sono stati consultati anche dei materiali storici quali testi antichi, editti, raccolte giuridiche, documenti, elenchi di tributi di decime e di imposte, cronache illustrate, contratti di compravendita ed atti notarili.
This 3-part study is an outline of the history of the horse, genus Equus, from prehistoric times through to the end of the Middle Ages in the region of present-day Switzerland.
The phylogenesis of Equus, which can be traced back to Paleogene, is documented predominantly by means of fossile osseous material discovered on Swiss and French sites.
From the end of the mid-paleolithic age, until its extermination in historical times, Equus ferus played a specific role in this country in hunting and cult activities.
The main focus of attention is however concentrated both on the horse as a domestic animal and on its outstanding position in cultural, economic, and military life since the end of the neolithic age.
To solve the mass of problems involved the author has used archeological sources, such as museum collections, osseous material and excavation reports, and a historical basis is provided by ancient literature, edicts, codes of law, documents, lists of duties, tithes and taxes, illustrated chronicles, business contracts and notarial records.
Zürich 1984
ISBN 3-9070 4501 7
Zeichnung Otto Garraux, Basel
Prof. Dr. Karl Alban Hünermann, Paläontologisches Institut der Universität Zürich, schreibt zu dieser Arbeit:
"Der Autor hat die Geschichte des Pferdes im weitesten Sinne zu fassen versucht. Deshalb stellt er dem vorgeschichtlich-historischen Hauptteil seiner Arbeit einen paläontologischen Abschnitt voran.
Bei der Einarbeitung in die Fossilgeschichte der Pferdeartigen (Equoidea) aus der Sicht des Historikers begnügte er sich nicht mit Literaturangaben, sondern lernte in speziellen Kursen die Grundzüge der topografischen Knochenanatomie der Haussäugetiere kennen. In diesem Rahmen befasste er sich auch an Beispielen mit osteometrischen und statistischen Methoden.
So zeigen die einführenden Kapitel das Interesse des Autors an einer Sachbezogenheit, die über das Quellenstudium hinaus zum Material hinführt."
Zürich, im August 1983
Wissenschaftliche Zeichnungen Otto Garraux, Basel
Schweizer Korea Mission
im Wandel der Zeit
Eine Studie zur Aufgabe der schweizerischen
Delegation in der Überwachungskommission der
Neutralen Nationen (NNSC) in der Republik Korea
Urs Alfred Müller-Lhotska
Zürich und Prag 1997
ISBN 3-907045-02-3
152 Seiten / 26 Illustrationen, Karten und Graphiken
Swiss Mission to Korea
in the Change of Times
History of the Swiss Delegation to the
Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission in the Republic of Korea
by Urs Alfred Müller-Lhotska & Allan R. Millett
Zurich & Prague 1997
ISBN 3-907045-02-5
165 pages / 26 illustrations, maps and graphs
"THEY ALSO SERVE...". (excerpt, pp.VI-IX)
Introduction by Prof. Dr. Allan Reed Millett
As he lapsed into old age and blindness, the 17th Century English poet John Milton wrote one of his classic sonnets, "On His Blindness", reflecting on his inability to do much more than breath and talk, which for some younger literary figures fulfills most needs. Milton, however, had been an activist all his life in literature and politics, and his new role did not suit him. He concluded, however, that, "they also serve who only stand and wait".
Although the Swiss members of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission have done more riding and walking than standing in the Republic of Korea, their lives have been much like Milton's, interested observers and occasional referees for combats actual and rhetorical between two irreconcilable parts of the Korean people, divided since 1945. One must travel widely to find anything quite like the Korean Demilitarized Zone. Now that the "Iron Curtain" between the two Germanies is gone, the wire and concrete turned into souvenirs, the only other border I've seen like the DMZ is on the Golan Heights between Syria and Israel. It is no accicent that there is now talk of putting Americans on the Golan. If so we hope the Swiss and Swedes will meet us there to help keep the peace.
As two-year veteran (1994-1996) of service in the NNSC, Dr. Urs A. Mueller-Lhotska had ample opportunity to learn a great deal about the matters of heart and mind that separate the two Koreas. Unlike many Europeans and Americans who journey the Republic of Korea, he made an exceptional effort not just to work out, lose weight, and perfect his hobbies (in his case Marathon runs and pop music by voice and guitar), but to learn something about the Korean people. He and I had opportunities to meet in Korea in 1995 and 1996, and he twice arranged for me to visit the NNSC camp in the Joint Security Area to dine with his comrades (including the Polish delegation) and exchange views on conflict in Korea. On a banquet circuit we call this "singing for your supper", in this case lunch and much better food than I ever found in U.S. Marine Corps messes in my own thirty-years of service as a reserve officer. I found Urs A. Mueller an astute student of Korean affairs and someone who took his assignement seriously, even though it had many comic and absurd aspects. I always believed the NNSC delegates would find themselves at ease in Oz [magical country] if they were swept away by a Kansas tornado.
Colonel Mueller has written a short history of modern Korea, not just a history of one quarter of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. His economical account of modern Korean political history should make clear to even the most optimistic and obtuse students of Asian affairs that the possiblilities for another war in Korea are rich indeed. We know that the North Korean invasion in June, 1950 was the result of triangular negotiations between Kim Il Sung, Mao Zedong, and Josef Stalin whose calculations on risk and relative advantage seemed so reasonable to them and so wrong. Can we be confident that Kim Jong Il, isolated and megalomanical, the absolute ruler of a people and army that can grow nuclear weapons but not rice, will use any reason at all in a crisis? His father actually waged another war along the DMZ in 1967-1976 under the illusion that he was assisting Communists in Vietnam and punishing the American South Korean armies for fighting the Vietnamese. During those dangerous years, American soldiers and South Koreans died in combat with the In Min Gun (People's Army) along the DMZ. During a tour of the Imjin River valley in July, 1996 I found a monument to a dead American sergeant ambushed in 1967 in the zone of the ROK 5th Division. His name will not be found on the black wall of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C., but he, too, is a casualty of that conflict. Although Americans might recognize the names of Major Bonifas and Lieutenant Barrett, victims of the JSA axe murders of 1976, they woud be surprised to learn that these officers did not die alone.
The principal role of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission is to referee the conflict along the DMZ between the ROK army and the In Min Gun, investigating charges of violations of the Military Armistice Agreement and attempting to persuade the Military Armistice Commission to negotiate away misunderstandings and accidents. This is a demanding task since so little of the conflict along the DMZ (which American troops no longer patrol) is accidental. Instead it is an extension of a low intensity conflict that has continued unabated since 1953 and represents a struggle for legitimacy between competing revolutionary movements that is not settled. In ideological terms the South Koreans represent the vision of human destiny shaped by Martin Luther, Buddha, John Calvin, Adam Smith, Oliver Cromwell, and Andrew Carnegie while the North Koreans represent the collectivist theories of Karl Marx. V.I. Lenin, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Kim Il Sung. Both sides are also ardent Korean nationalists. Democratic theory plays a small role in this conflict. Any European would immediately seen familiar values in South Korea: the importance of industry, family, reverence for the past and ancestors, exercise and good health, good eating, and social discipline. He or she might not see the fatalism, the anxiety, the fear of the future, and the sense of impending tragedy that characterizes life in South Korea, a country where per capita income has doubled to over US$ 10'000 in just the last decade. Can we be comfortable when the pitiful regime in Pyoengyang resists complete inspection by the International Atomic Agency and refuses to let international investigators survey its very real disease and starvation problems?
Like Milton, the officers of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission must be present to bear witness to great events that do not involve them except as observers. Their observation, however, will be essential to collective action (military or otherwise) by the European members of the United Nations should the Koreans again go to war. I doubt that American explanations of events will suffice now in the way they did in 1950 - nor should they. Instead Europeans of all walks of life - much admired in South Korea as a welcome option to dealing with Americans - can exert their influence for peace and prosperity, even if it means taking the initiative in dealing with Pyoenyang. The Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission represents one important example of European mediation of Korean conflict, so the story of that effort is well worth knowing. Colonel Mueller has made a major contribution to our overdue attention to Korean politics.
Allan Reed Millett, *1937
Former Fulbright Distinguished Professor,
Korean National Defense College, 1991.
One of the 1291 markers along the Military Demarcation Line on the 38th parallel in Korea. Stretched out between the country's east and west coast, the line is 250 km long.